4 Tips For Creating The Perfect Logo
Your logo will play a major role in how people perceive your business. A logo should not be taken lightly and should be designed by professionals with time to devote to your needs. If you are considering a new logo, here are some things that you need to know to make it the best.
1. Keep It Simple
Look at other major company's logos. Each of them is very simple. Some have a single check mark, others use a simple bubble that only has their initials and one company only uses a small apple. The reason these are so effective is that they are simple enough for anyone to visualize at any time. There is not a lot of detail and there are simple colors. By keeping it simple you keep the message direct.
2. Avoid Clichés
There are certain logos that are overused. For example, many people use light bulbs, conversation bubbles, hands and other common graphics. If you want to have a logo that people can remember, it is important to try and do something a little more unique.
Some people have used letters only, abstract art, or simple shapes to act as their logo. These types of things are still simple, but not overused. If you are unsure about what to use for a logo, talk to a professional. Many graphic designers can help you to create something new and different.
3. Know Your Audience
Before you start creating your logo, it is important that you nail down who your audience is. If you are attracting a younger crowd, you might want to do something more abstract and trendy. If you are targeting the elderly, it may need to be more classic. If you don't know your audience you can make costly mistakes.
If needed, take a small survey to see how your logo is performing. If you are not getting the positive attention from your target audience, you may need to make some changes.
4. Make It Memorable
Lastly, your logo has to be memorable. Even if people see it for only a couple seconds, they should be able to tell you what it looked like. If it is too common, your audience may not remember you. That is why you need to have the perfect balance between simple, creative and memorable. Although it may seem hard to achieve this, it can be done. A professional graphic design company can help you to create the perfect logo.