
My Functional Yet Space-Saving Home Office Furniture

What To Expect When Meeting With A Job Recruitment Agency

In today's economy and job market, many hard-working individuals are turning to job placement and recruitment agencies, such as Employee Relations Associates Inc, in the hopes of landing suitable employment. One of the most positive aspects of working with a job recruiter is that permanent job placement is a definite possibility, so it is imperative for interviewees to do their best to make a lasting first impression. While a common belief is that recruitment interviews are easier than actual job interviews, the reality is that competition is tough, and those who are fortunate enough to land an interview with a recruitment agent must be fully prepared. If you are preparing to meet with a recruiter, knowing what to expect and what is expected of you during your interview will help to increase your chances of securing a spot on the job roster. 

Dress Professionally 

While an interview with a recruitment agent is not an actual job interview, it should always be treated as such. This means dressing professionally in the same type of clothing that you would be expected to wear at an office job. If you walk into the recruiter's office looking casual, this may give the impression that you don't take yourself seriously, which can easily give off the message that you won't take your job seriously. Men should wear freshly pressed, tailored business suits, while women should wear two-piece business suits or modest tailored dresses. If wearing a dress, it is also important to wear stockings and modest, closed-toe footwear. 

Be Prepared for Interview-Type Questions

Regardless of whether your interview is a basic meet-and-greet or an interview for an upcoming position, it is always best to be prepared for questions that often come up in standard job interviews, such as "Where do you see yourself in five years?" Or, "Why do you think you are a good fit for this upcoming position?" These questions seem harmless on paper, but they can really stump a nervous interview subject who isn't prepared. It is also important to keep in mind that your recruiter may throw these types of questions at you to see how you would handle them in an actual job interview.  Preparing yourself by practicing your answers in front of a mirror or jotting down specific points on note cards can help you stay focused during your interview and answer any question like a pro. 

Selling Yourself and Leaving a Lasting Impression

If you've made it as far as a face-to-face interview with a recruiter, this most likely means that the recruiter has viewed your resume or learned about you via a referral and wants to know more. During the interview, you want to be more than "just your resume." For example, if the recruiter asks you about a specific position listed on your resume, rather than stating the obvious, "yes, I worked there for X amount of years," you will want to sell yourself in a way that shows what a valuable asset you were to the company. If you were responsible for a big account or implemented a successful work procedure, let them know! Get down to specifics and let them know just how valuable you are. This type of interaction allows your true personality to shine through and leaves a positive, lasting impression. 

Preparing for Your Future

The saying, "you never get a second chance to make a first impression," definitely rings true when it comes to employment interviews, so it is your job to do everything you can to ensure your recruitment interview runs smoothly. Preparing yourself beforehand for what to expect will help to improve the odds when it comes to securing your future dream job. 

About Me

My Functional Yet Space-Saving Home Office Furniture

Setting up a home office in my spare room enabled me to work from home. The problem was finding a way to maximize the space I had. I need to choose office furniture that would be functional yet space-saving. I chose a corner work station that included a combination computer desk with attached hutch. This gave me the ability to do computer work and store necessary supplies, without taking up a lot of room. A metal filing cabinet on wheels allows me the portability to store the cabinet in my walk-in closet when not in use. I purchased all my office furniture used, saving me money as well as storage space. Even in the smallest of rooms, working at home can be comfortable and affordable, if you're a savvy shopper.

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